Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Web Design Layout Principles

Here is a link to a great tutorial discussing Web Design Layout principles. Please review and be familiar with:

  • Proximity

  • Visual Hierarchy

  • Symmetry/Asymmetry

  • Repetition

  • Unity

  • Contrast

  • Dynamics

  • Emphasis

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Vocabulary List Week 6

The following vocabulary words are for week 6. The quiz will be given on Friday, February 27th.

alt tag:
An HTML tag that allows you to specify text to display. This text appears when you put your mouse over an image and leave it there. This text is useful for the visually impaired.

In HTML, anchors mark the start and end of hypertext links.

A gradient consists of two or more colors that blend into each other. Gradients are used to fill the color of an object.

Allows a user to manipulate the outcome of certain events (for instance, by filling out a form, requesting a new Web page, or taking an online survey) within a two-way communications system that supports direct and continual responses

A word, phrase, symbol, or graphic that identifies an organization, company, or brand.

A visual representation of a Web site and its pages. It consists of a series of panels that plot the key scenes and illustrate the flow of animation.

Lets the user link to a specific place within a web page instead of just linking to the top of the document.

A reusable pattern that helps you place information quickly and efficiently on a Web page by providing placeholders for basic elements.

A graphic or image purposely made smaller.

title bar:
The colored bar at the top of each window that displays the program and file names.

Monday, September 8, 2008

Week 5 Vocabulary

The week five vocabulary quiz will be given on Thursday, February 19th.

The range of transmission frequencies that a network can use. The greater the bandwidth the faster information can travel.

(email address, internet address, web address) A code or series of letters, numbers and/or symbols. Each address is unique.

domain name:
The address or url of a particular web site. This is how you describe the name that is at the right of the @ sign in the internet address.

Any computer that can function as the beginning and end point of data transfers.

A remote computer connected to a host or server. Client also refers to the software that makes this connection possible.

A host computer on a network.

Internet Service Provider. A service company that provides a user with an account on a host-computer having access to the internet.

How information travels over a network.

To transfer a file from another computer to your computer.

IP address:
Internet Protocol Address. A uniquely assigned numeric address for each computer connected to the Internet.

Friday, August 29, 2008

Week 4 Vocabulary

The quiz for week 4 vocabulary will be given on Thursday, February 12th.

Software that is distributed at no cost to the user. The author maintains the copyright.

Software that enables electronic collaboration between users.

The text or graphic used in an HTML document to jump from one document to another.

Elements on a web page allowing the user to open related web pages by clicking on the mouse.

Navigation bar:
A set of buttons or hyperlinks that when clicked on take you to other sections of the site. Navigation bars should guide users through the web site. The names on navigation bars are usually descriptive.

A graphic that a user can click on to do something, like download a program or go to another web site.

hot spot:
A clickable area on a graphic called an image map. My clicking on the hotspot, the user links to a related page or area of the website. Ex: clicking on the state of Utah on a map of the United States and being directed to a page on Utah.

broken link:
A hyperlink which no longer words when it is clicked on.

The exclusive legal rights to reproduce, publish, or sell something.

Using a tool to remove part of an image.

Monday, August 25, 2008

Week 3 Vocabulary

The vocabulary quiz will be given on Friday, February 6th.

The presentation of information using animation, sound, graphics and text.

A file extension that indicates that the file is a program file.

A file extension for text only files

A file extension for pictures, usually clipart

.jpg (.jpeg)
A file extension for pictures, usually photos

A file extension for (zip)compressed file

The process of making computer data smaller so the information takes up less file space and may be transmitted in less time.

Any picture you see on a web page. A bitmap is a map of dots or “pixels”.

An image that appears at the top of every page on a web site. It is also called a title graphic or a page header.

A menu item containing further information.

Friday, August 1, 2008

Hexadecimal Color Charts

Here are some links you can use to find hex color charts online.

This list is not all inclusive as there are several charts available online. You can find a chart by entering the keywords "Hexadecimal Color Chart" in your search engine.

Hexadecimal Code used in HTML

The RGB hexadecimal color code used in HTML uses a modified hexadecimal number to assign the color. The code is six digits long where the first two digits are the shades of red, the middle two digits are the shades of green and the last two digits are the shades of blue. These shades are blended by the browser to make the resultant color much the same way as we mix colors to make different shades of paint.

There are 16.7 million different colors in the hexadecimal color system. Each color can have as many as 162 = 256 shades of color. If all three colors take on the brightest shade, the resultant color #FFFFFF is white. If all colors take on the least brightest shade, the resultant color #000000 is black.

Each of the 6 digits in the hexadecimal code is broken into 3 separate groups...
#XXxxxx - Red Color Value
#xxXXxx - Green Color Value
#xxxxXX - Blue Color Value

Each digit is a value from 0 to F, in the hexadecimal system. The hexadecimal color system counts by 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F, with 0 being null value, and F being highest value.
So if the first two digits (red values) are full (FF) and the other four are null (00) the color will be red.

If the first two are null (00), the third and fourth digit (green value) are full (FF), and the fifth and sixth digit are null (00), the color will be green.

If the first four digits are null (00), and the fifth and sixth digit (blue value) are full (FF), the color will be blue.

Week 2 Vocabulary

The vocabulary quiz will be given on Friday, January 30th.

Text editor:
A program that allows you to manually key HTML commands into a blank document. Examples are Notepad and Wordpad.

What you see is what you get. Software that enables you to see images on screen exactly as they will appear when printed.

A system of writing and displaying text that enables the text to be linked in multiple ways.

Hypertext Transport Protocol. The standard used to send an HTML document across the World Wide Web.

Hypertext Markup Language. The coding scheme used to format text for use on the World Wide Web.

Case Sensitive:
When it matters if letters are typed in uppercase or lowercase. Some programs are case sensitive. HTML is not.

The html tag used to enclose the beginning elements in the HTML document, including the title.

The section of the web page which contains all the text and graphics you see in a browser window.

The base 16 number system used to assign color to web pages. It uses the numbers 0-9 and the letters A-F.

To place an HTML file on a server to make it available for browsing.

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Week 1 Vocabulary

Week 1 vocabulary quiz will be on Thursday, January 22nd.

Acceptable Use Policy- an agreement that outlines guidelines you will adhere to while using a computer and the internet. Must be signed in many institutions where computers are used.

The hardware connected together to create a massive worldwide network.

World Wide Web:
Software that sends information along the internet’s hardware. The software links multimedia documents together using hypertext.

Software used to view information on the world wide web.

Search engine:
Software that helps a user isolate desired information or resources by searching for keywords.

A web site that serves as a starting point to other destinations or activities on the web. A portal attempts to provide all of a user’s internet needs in one location.

A type of Internet domain assigned to URLs which are business or commercial entities.

Home page:
1. A web site’s main page. Usually contains general information about the Web site. 2. The first page that opens when you open your browser.

Web Site:
A group of related files organized around a common topic. Has a location on the WWW.

A web site where users can post a chronological up-to-date journal entry of their thoughts. This communication tool can be individualistic or perform a crucial function for an organization or company.